KES College
KES College is a private vocational college that offers 25 programmes of study which most of them (23) are Accredited and lead to Diploma, Higher Diploma and BA/BSc Degrees.
KES COLLEGE is located close to the centre of Nicosia and provides students access to banks, post offices, shops and other services.
KES COLLEGE has been established in 1971 and is one of the long experienced Colleges in Cyprus. Throughout the years it has managed to build links with many universities worldwide for further studies and to co-operate with significant professional bodies locally and overseas.
KES COLLEGE is an international college that welcomes students from any country of the world and offers a unique combination of academic standards, vocational practice and employment success. Our students experience a first-rate working environment and a lively social life. All the courses’ profile reflects the issues that are of real interest to professionals and prospective students and to you.
Facts that you should know about KES COLLEGE:
An educational institution specialising in vocational programmes of study.
Low student/staff ratios guaranteeing personal attention and support.
Located in the heart of the capital city centre offering easy access to services.
Suitable accommodation around to College.
Safe surrounding environment without any crime rate.
One of the main factors which reveal the quality of education offered by KES COLLEGE is the warm and friendly environment that exists. This comes through interpersonal relationships, respect of students’ personality and the morality of the College. Within this framework, friendly human relations exist at all levels. Teachers and tutors collaborate in harmony with each group and any individual within the group, in an effort to keep a high educational level.
Further to this, the Student Union Committee develops initiatives which contribute to the development of intimate social relationships among teachers, students and management. Such initiatives include organizing parties, tours and trips in Cyprus and abroad, and other events, which contribute to the development and social awareness among students.
Of particular significance are the charity events organized by the Student Union Committee which encourage the feeling of donation and human care to students. These include blood donations, fundraising, sports days and other events which aim to help financially various non-profit organizations. Such actions certainly contribute dynamically to create a comfortable environment in which students are progressing successfully and meet their objectives not only as individuals but also as members of a group.